Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Card balance point and Splash Damage

Card balance point and Splash Damage

There are two types of cards in the Clash of damage and Charging Royale.

    Point of damage: cards that handle the damage is only one enemy. Because they can only target one unit at a time, they are causing damage to the highest unit in the game.
They are indispensable in order to record the HP high forces (Tankers).

Splash Damage:
Cards that deal damage to multiple units (Witch, Baby Dragon, ...). Because they have the advantage of dealing damage to multiple units against, they are the lowest unit-induced damage in the game. This card is required to handle the hordes of low HP unit.

Melee and Range

Need to balance forces ranged and melee at the Deck in Clash Royale. Forces ranging typically have high damage per second but low HP. It is very important to combine them with the riot squad. We need to use riot squad as a meat-shield for high damage ranged troops. Having too many riot squad is a bad idea because it would make them very vulnerable to splash damage. You can see how easy it is to Valkyrie to record all the riot squad nearby, right?

Building Guide Clash Royale

Building Guide Clash Royale

This is the first time Clash Royale deck building in ClashRoyaleArena guide.
Building a deck balanced Clash Royale always the key to success in Clash Royale. I'll break it down in simple terms, it gives you the easiest way to build a deck

Building Guide Clash Royale
5 Clash Royale Top Deck
      - Lava Hound Deck Got Me From 4 to Arena 7 Arena!
      - New Meta Giant Bowler Deck
      - Loggers Giant Deck
      - Goblin Trifecta Barrel Deck to Arena 5+
      - Top Tier Hog Cycle Rider Aggro Deck

Free Clash Royale Deck:

Free Clash Royale Deck:

   Whenever we talk about building a deck in this game, the synergy is most remarkable materials. We all want each card to work alongside each othere, right?
   If you use the card solely Epic, they can not become good at Clash Deck Royale. Building a deck is not about scarcity. It is about Synergy!

Importance of defense is the same as the offense
  Of course you need offense to destroy the Crown Tower and won the battle but if you do not know how to defend your tower, you can not win any battle. Deck You need a balance of offense and defense that will be useful in any situation.